Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Hymn for Sunday Morning

Some other bloggers that I respect post hymns on their blogs from time-to-time. That’s a good idea – I think I’ll steal it. I’ll draw from the well of Indelible Grace Music, mostly, and, like most of my blogging themes, it’ll be hit and miss.

I love Indelible Grace Music. If you haven’t heard of them, I encourage you to cruise over to their website and listen to some clips. These folks are doing a great service by making old hymns available. They have a rich treasury of music resources on their site. We are planning to use more of their music in our services in the future. You may have heard some of these hymns, but many of them were new to me.

Here is rich, old hymn from their first CD. You’ll see the inspiration for the name
Indelible Grace in verse three:

A Debtor to Mercy Alone

1. A debtor to mercy alone, Of covenant mercy I sing;
Nor fear, with Thy righteousness on, My person and offering to bring.
The terrors of law and of God With me can have nothing to do;
My Saviour’s obedience and blood, Hide all my transgressions from view

2. The work which His goodness began, The arm of His strength will complete;
His promise is yea and amen, And never was forfeited yet.
Things future, nor things that are now, Not all things below nor above
Can make Him His purpose forego, Or sever my soul from His love.

3. My name from the palms of His hands, Eternity will not erase;
Impressed on His heart it remains In marks of indelible grace.
Yes, I to the end shall endure, As sure as the earnest is given
More happy, but not more secure, The glorified spirits in heaven.

©1998, Kevin Twit Music. Lyrics by Augustus Toplady (1740-1778)

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