We're doing quite well, by God's grace. We trust Him, and we are greatly comforted for Emily's sake and ours by our sure hope in Christ. The Gospel changes everything.
We stayed home today. Juanita and the girls did school day things, I did a couple of projects, and we had some friends over for supper. We didn't feel the need to get out of town like we did a year ago.
These reminders, these anniversaries still hurt. I'd be lying if I said otherwise. However, we are experiencing the joy of the Lord and we are pressing on. I think all of us are a more serious about life and about what we believe. That's been evident in our church family as well. We do see God at work in people's lives - our own included - and for that we are deeply thankful (if I visit with you in person sometime, I'll tell you some stories).
Thank you, friends and family, for your prayers. Though our grief isn't as acute as it was, we are still conscious of our need to be carried by God through the prayers of His people. We feel like we've had a disproportionate amount of prayer from all over the place. We are humbled and deeply grateful. God is good.
You have been in our thoughts and prayers today. We remember Emily's death as today is also Mikayla's birthday. "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." Thankful for your strength and courage that comes from Him alone.
Robin & Leanne
I don't know your family but have thought about you and prayed for you often since I ever first heard about Emily almost two years ago on Wretched Radio. Praising God for the time you had with her and for your testimony of His faithfulness since He brought her home. She's a beautiful young lady!
I specifically sought out your blog. Today would have been my dad's birthday. It does get easier with time, but still sucks all the same. Emily's in my thoughts pretty often, though I never knew her in life.
I don't know what to say, really, except that I continue to think and pray for you and your family.
You—and by that I mean both you and Juanita, especially—continue to be a blessing to me, you know, and I'm sure to many other people as well.
I was thinking about you both yesterday, Terry, and praying for you all.
Thought of you again this year on the anniversary of your little girl's Homecoming. May God continue to comfort you.
Those anniversaries do hurt, but over time, as we trust the Lord, the sweet becomes sweeter, and the bitter becomes a distant memory.
And you are so right: God carries us; the prayers of his people are a means of this; and God is good.
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