Excerpt from “The Folly of King Solomon” sermon on 1 Kings 11, October 11, 2015
In the first post on idolatry, we have considered what
idolatry looks like in the life of the Christian. In the second post, we have
reviewed some diagnostic steps that will help us to identify idolatry in our
hearts. Now, how do we defeat it?
when you recognize these idols, call sin SIN and leave it behind as the
terrible evil that it really is. If God is convicting you, don’t turn your back
on him. Turn away from idols.
Ask God to reveal Himself as more glorious, more desirable than anything else.
Pursue the excellence of Christ in prayer, wrestle with God for joy and
satisfaction in Him.
Read the
Bible. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind – study the Word of God,
meditate on it, grow in knowledge and application of the Bible. Taste and see
that the Lord is good.
Give Thanks
to God for everything: Memorize this question from 1 Corinthians 4:7, “What do
you have that you did not receive?”
Apply this as an antidote to pride, as a guard to your heart, as a
reminder to give God thanks and glorify Him.
Be a
Disciple. Be engaged with your church. Don’t just show up to services,
although that’s a good start. Hear the Word preached together, sing, pray,
confess and give thanks together. Be in community with other church members
during the week – community group, hospitality, prayer meetings, go for coffee,
serve one another, study the Bible together. Use your community of believers to
help you recognize hidden idols, root them out and smash them!
As you apply these things to your own life, remember to pray
for Christian leaders. Think about the
fall of some Christian celebrities in recent times. Dreadful news of spiritual
disaster can come from surprising places.
“We are never doing so well that we are beyond
the need of grace. We are never doing so badly that we are beyond the reach of
God’s grace.” Jerry Bridges
Do you want a really hopeful word in the conclusion? I said
in the introduction to my sermon on King Solomon’s idolatry, “As it goes with
the king, so it goes with the people.”
We don’t follow in the Legacy of King Solomon. Our king is Jesus. Are you feeling better
King Jesus is not only mighty to save, He really is FOR us.
He invites us to come to Him and receive full forgiveness because He died on
the cross to pay the penalty for our sin. He invites us to come to Him FOREVER
because He rose from the dead, defeating the power of sin and death. He has, as
the Only Righteous King and Saviour, fulfilled all the conditions of the law
that stood against us. We can REST in Him, forgiven, justified and counted
righteous in Him by FAITH ALONE.
Avoiding idolatry is easy in the sense that we simply keep
looking to him, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Think
about Matthew 11:25-30. Take comfort in the Saviour’s invitation to rest. We
can’t keep ourselves from idols, but Jesus will help us. Jesus can be our joy
and our delight. Desiring and enjoying God will be the only power that will
overwhelm the futility of idolatry. Christ will keep us from idols by the power
of the Holy Spirit. This is GRACE. Walk in it.